Sunday, August 24, 2008


Cars....that is Guy's obsession.  Guy loves cars.  He loves any kind of car.  The movie Cars to Nascar racing on TV.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Taking care of mother

My mother had surgery last week.   She had surgery on her shoulder and hand.  I stayed with her from Tuesday to Saturday.  I missed Brad and the kids so much.  It was nice to spend time with my mom and dad.  This was the longest period of time I have been away from Lorem or Guy....or Brad in the 10 years of marriage.  Yes, we celebrated our 10 year anniversary on Friday.  Anyway excited to get home.  My mother is recovering very well.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Getting started

I have been a fan of blogs for awhile now.  I love to read other people's blogs.  So, I thought I would start my own.  I tend to forget happenings and events more than I use to.  I once had a very vivid memory.   So, this is very much for me.