We welcomed Rhyder Owen Wofford into our family at 12:36 AM on 2/24/10. This was 7 hours prior to my scheduled C-section.
He is healthy and adorable! Weighing 7 lbs and 3 ozs. Measuring 20 inches long.
He is healthy and adorable! Weighing 7 lbs and 3 ozs. Measuring 20 inches long.
Rhyder has been a true blessing and one surprise after another. Brad and I thought our family was complete with Lorem and Guy. We found out this past June that we were expecting a third child. Brad called it our bonus baby. We were shocked, but happy for the third addition. We had a scare in the first trimester and were not sure that this pregnancy would last. Praise to God, the pregnancy did survive.
Several of my friends have requested the birth story. So here it goes:
We scheduled a C-section on 2/24/10. We decided on a C-section after researching and consulting my OB. I had a C-section with Guy due to placenta previa. We had considered a VBAC, but we did not want to risk it. The day before the C-section, I started having contractions. I contacted my doctor and I was told to only go to the hospital if my contractions were 5 minutes apart for two hours. So, I spent the day with contractions 7 to 8 minutes apart. Brad downloaded me a contraction counter for my iPhone. LOL! Toward the evening, the contractions become stronger. The contractions were not 5 minutes apart for 2 hours, but I was in lots of pain. Finally, we decided to go to the hospital. I had in my mind that they were not sending me home. I was in too much pain. We get to the hospital. They already have my room set up, because I am scheduled for surgery in 8 hours. Everyone is taking their time and the nurse decides to check me. 9 cm and my water is about to break! Everything changed. People are running everywhere, my water breaks and Brad looks like he is about to pass out. They tell me that I am having this baby really soon and all natural....NO EPIDURAL! I was not mentally prepared for a natural birth. I had planned on a C-section! An hour after reaching the hospital, Rhyder was born. Birth was amazing and shocking! Can't wait for all the surprises Rhyder has for us!
oh jerri... that is amazing! we can't wait to meet Rhyder. so glad that you got to the hospital in time! God is GOOD!!
wow Jerri! praise God for a healthy litte guy. what a surprising entry into the world! great to see y'all are well. you might have seen on FB that we're expecting our 3rd too! fun... and I'll have to check out that contraction counting app! ;)
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